Media Kits

Below are all media kits containing pre-approved logos and product pictures for use in relevant publication.

Safeback Logo

All zip folders contain pre-approved logos. Choose color and file-type below. White: .PNG .PDF Black: .PNG .PDF

Safeback SBX

Approved images of the SBX system on its own.

SBX Mockups

Approved images and visuals showing the SBX system integrated into backpacks.

About Safebeck

Safeback was founded in 2016 by three engineers and backcountry enthusiasts in Western Norway - Tor Berge, André Mjølhus, and Sigmund Andreassen. After analyzing the avalanche safety equipment available today, they realized that there was a lack of innovation and investment in solutions for the avalanche victim under the snow. They then set out to create user-focused products that reliably get backcountry travelers home safe. Safeback’s research and development has targeted the problem of asphyxia under the snow. Their initial product, Safeback SBX, is a breathing assistance system which actively provides clean air to the victim’s breathing area under snow, extending the survival window for up to 90 minutes.